The ultimate nutritional supplement
The ultimate nutritional supplement
containing a concentrated form all the seven species listed in the Bible book
of our sources
. It is actually also a multivitamin, also Moltiminrl, contains
all of the essential amino acids needed and most importantly a rare combination
of antioxidants
"For the LORD…bringeth thee into a good land…
A land of wheat and Barley, and Vines and Fig-tree
And Pomegranates; a land of Olive-trees and
Dates honey". (Deuteronomy 8:8)
Creating a Better World For Us and
For Future Generations
Special Formula
Our story begins 4000 years ago
Our secret formula is based on active ingredients extracted
."from the "seven species
The "seven species" are seven kinds of plants that grow in the soil of the Holy Land.
The inspiration for the development of our products lies in the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy
Chapter VIII Verse Eight:...
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